Study proves: Soluva UV disinfection devices from Heraeus Noblelight kill SARS-CoV-2

A new study conducted by the University Hospital of Tübingen in cooperation with Heraeus Noblelight confirms UV light is able to render the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the pathogen causing the COVID pandemic, harmless. Surface disinfection efficacy was tested with two Heraeus products from the Soluva product line. What is unique about the study is that tests used the actual pathogen, not a similar virus. The result: 99.99% inactivation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

UV light in a wavelength of 200 to 300 nm, called UVC, splits the DNA of viruses and other microorganisms and thus has a strong disinfecting effect. Currently, other research institutes are running independent tests for air disinfection with Soluva products from Heraeus Noblelight with results expected shortly.

To effectively combat the corona pandemic and ensure a low-virus environment in the long term, various technology solutions are currently in development worldwide. One possible solution is UVC radiation. UVC damages the genetic information of microorganisms of all kinds, thus inactivating the germ. Not every microorganism reacts identically to UVC radiation. Duration and intensity of the UVC irradiation is specific for each microbe.

Test results show complete inactivation of the viruses
It is therefore very important to carefully prove newly developed technologies can effectively kill SARS-Cov-2. To ensure this, Heraeus Noblelight turned to the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Schindler, Head of the Molecular Virology Research Section at the University Hospital of Tübingen. In the lab the researchers tested two new products from Heraeus Noblelight, the Soluva Pro handheld and the Soluva Pro disinfection chamber, directly on the active Sars-Cov-2 virus. The Soluva products showed excellent results – achieving complete inactivation of the virus. The mobile solutions achieved complete inactivation in both static (within 2 seconds) and mobile use. This shows that UVC is perfectly suited for reliable surface disinfection.

The Soluva product line – ideal for disinfection
Heraeus Noblelight developed new weapons against viruses on surfaces, such as the tested UV Disinfection Chamber and the UV Handheld System from the Soluva product line. Common to both is the use of highly effective UVC light, sometimes also referred to as ultraviolet irradiation or UVGI, and simple handling for reliable disinfection of surfaces and objects. Both are ideal for use in nursing homes, hospitals, public transport, offices and waiting rooms.

Here you can find the original study:

Read more about the Soluva Product line of Heraeus Noblelight

Heraeus, the technology group headquartered in Hanau, Germany, is a leading international family-owned portfolio company. The company“s roots go back to a family pharmacy started in 1660. Today, the Heraeus group includes businesses in the environmental, electronics, health and industrial applications sectors. Customers benefit from innovative technologies and solutions based on broad materials expertise and technological leadership.
In the 2019 financial year, Heraeus generated revenues of EUR22.4 billion with approximately 14,900 employees in 40 countries. Heraeus is now one of the top 10 family-owned companies in Germany and holds a leading position in its global markets.

Heraeus Noblelight with its headquarters in Hanau and with subsidiaries in the USA, Great Britain, France and China is one of the technology- and market-leaders in the production of specialty light sources and systems. The organization develops, manufactures and markets infrared and ultraviolet emitters, systems and solutions for applications in industrial manufacture, environmental protection, medicine and cosmetics, research, development and analytical measurement techniques.

Heraeus Noblelight GmbH
Marie-Luise Bopp
Reinhard-Heraeus-Ring 7
63801 Kleinostheim
Phone: +49 6181/35-8547
Fax: +49 6181/35-16 8547

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