estos has completely revised the unified messaging server
Starnberg, 18/6/2020
Unified messaging for large projects and companies with distributed locations – estos releases ixi-UMS Enterprise in the completely revised version 7. The Starnberg-based software manufacturer has incorporated more convenience for users and easier options for companies with different locations. „The new features in the voice mailbox, the user portal and the client tools are of particular benefit to users“, explains Bernd Kattner, Product Manager at estos. „In the kernel of the software, the new version offers companies spread over multiple locations the possibility to implement MultiSite scenarios more easily“. In principle, ixi-UMS combines all messages – fax, voice and SMS – under the familiar e-mail interface. Users receive, send and process their UM messages like e-mails, for example, with Microsoft Outlook.
„Hi, I’m not here, just leave me a message and I’ll get back to you.“ The software-based answering machine now offers the possibility to store special announcements for colleagues. The variant for external callers could sound like this, „Good afternoon, this is the answering machine of Bernd Kattner, estos GmbH. Please leave a message and I’ll call you back.“ Users can now record announcements via headset, laptop microphone or in writing. The text is translated into speech via a text-to-speech engine.
In version 7 of ixi-UMS Enterprise, the new user portal combines the configuration for the voice mailbox, the web journal and the user settings, all under a single interface. Users get an overview of their authorizations and incoming and outgoing messages. Likewise, they can also manage their profile settings and announcements here. With just one click, directly from Pro Call 7 Enterprise, for example, they can access their user portal.
The SMTP client included in the client tools now provides an integrated address book. This allows users to conveniently address their messages – fax, voice message or SMS. Secure transmission is ensured by the newly integrated TLS encryption.
Optimal message routing in networked or distributed PBXs can now be set up even more easily: estos has revised the ixi-UMS 7 Enterprise kernel, among other things, with regard to MultiSite scenarios.
More information about the innovations and the basic advantages of the unified messaging software from estos can be found at
estos – enables easy communication
estos GmbH is an independent manufacturer of innovative building blocks for unified communications. Since 1997, estos has been developing professional standards software for small and medium-sized companies, thereby improving their business processes in communication-intensive areas. As a technology leader, estos has demonstrated its expertise in the area of Computer Telephony Integration (CTI), Unified Messaging Software (UMS), SIP, XMPP, LDAP and WebRTC-based applications that enable uncomplicated audio/video communication. estos has constantly invested in research and development helping to create innovation and ensuring their products are the forefront of genuine trend-setting technology. The core markets of the company are Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Benelux and Italy. estos GmbH is headquartered in Starnberg, close to Munich, and operates a Knowledge Center Messaging in Olching, a development office in Leonberg, an office in Berlin and branches in Udine, Italy and Doetinchem, in the Netherlands.
estos GmbH
Sibylle Klein
Ilzweg 7
82140 Olching
Phone: +49 8142 4799 27
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