Functional, Operational & System Safety for L5 AV
Berlin, April 20, 2020: From OEMs to Tier 1s, from leading research institutes to the most promising start-ups, from functional & system safety experts to testing & validation practitioners whatever hat you wear or wherever you stand on the spectrum of operational safe systems in automated and cognitive vehicles – ScaleUp 360° OSS.5 Europe will give you the chance to engage over 2 days with over 150 functional, operational and system safety experts from the leading OEMs, T1s, research institutes, automotive suppliers & solution providers. Our digital event provides you with precise insights into new business use cases, concepts, technical challenges and innovations while offering you the chance to discuss the technical road ahead for level 4+ autonomous vehicles.
As a partner of ScaleUp 360° OSS.5 Europe, you will present your services to over 150 decision makers with budget responsibility – directly from your desk. Use the innovative webinar format for live demonstrations or case studies to present your expertise to an exclusive community of business stakeholders. Join ScaleUp 360° as a partner to explore specific market verticals, market your products, gain new leads and promote your brand to your target audience.
ScaleUp 360° OSS.5 Europe will take place this June 17 – 18, 2020 with over 150 stakeholders playing an active role in the system safety scene, joining 12 webinars over 2 days – directly from their desks.
More information:
ScaleUp 360° OSS.5 Europe – Key Topics:
-Applicable safety Standards (SOTIF, ISO 26262) – Which will be the weakest link in the safety case chain within the development of AV?
-System Safety and Functional Safety – What problems to keep in mind to build a comprehensive safety framework?
-What perception requirements must safety concepts meet to enable precautionary autonomous driving?
-Road vehicles and cybersecurity engineering – How to implement ISO/SAE 21434 for autonomous vehicle safety?
-Leveraging Safety from Other Safety-critical Industries – What can be adapted and transferred to the Autonomous Vehicle?
-Fail-operational E/E system concepts & SOTIF – How to best integrate a conceptual safety approach in the development process at the concept stage?
-AI and Fail Operational Autonomous Driving – What problems can be solved by using AI systems for autonomous driving Operational Safety Systems and what problems remain?
-Simulation & Modelling – How can simulation help to ensure the safety of sensor systems?
-Gaps and insufficiencies in safety standards – What Gaps remain in current safety standards (ISO 26262 and SOTIF) and which regulations might help to fill those insufficiencies?
-Technical Evaluation and Safety Judgement for L4+5 Vehicle Automation within Functional Safety Assessments according to ISO 26262
-Fail-operational E/E system concepts, SOTIF and SO/WD PAS 21448
-UL 4600 & PAS 1881 – can they fill the gap in existing standards & regulations?
-Safety-critical systems – fail-safe to fail-operational
-Common & Continuous Safety Definition – Continuous Safety Cases
-Functional safety, system safety, operational safety, safety of deep learning based systems
-Public road testing, traffic scenario testing, V2V and V2X testing, HiL, SiL & ViL
-Cybersecurity, Operational safety, Scenarios – can we develop a common framework for self-driving vehicles?
SCALEUP 360° brings together established industry experts, global thought leaders and senior executives from the world“s leading intelligent businesses to digital gatherings packed with cutting-edge webinars, presentations and networking opportunities. Interact with fellow attendees, chat to presenters and take home valuable resources without leaving your desk. Find out more about our 100+ online events focusing on automotive, manufacturing, IT & DevOps, IoT, finance & legal, marketing & communication topics:
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