GrammaTech joins committee that develops best practice guidelines to deliver safe and secure software systems.
Ithaca, NY (USA) -July 11, 2019 – GrammaTech, a leading provider of software assurance tools and cybersecurity solutions, today announced that Dr. Paul Anderson, Vice President of Engineering, has joined the MISRA® committee to collaborate on world-leading best practice guidelines for the safe and secure development of both embedded control systems and standalone software.
The Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (MISRA®) committee provides programming guidelines that are used by software teams building safety critical software, and are proven to lead to software that is easier to understand, easier to maintain and has less bugs. Currently, the MISRA® committee is working to combine the AUTOSAR C++ 14 Coding Guidelines with the MISRA® C++ 2008 coding standard into one single standardized document for the industry to utilize as a comprehensive guide.
Dr. Anderson has over 30 years of experience in static analysis, program understanding and program visualization, is a frequent collaborator in standards bodies, and speaks at numerous conferences and symposia reporting on research around topics related static analysis.
GrammaTech CodeSonar® detects violations against the MISRA® C and C++ coding guidelines, and also provides advanced, whole program static analysis using techniques like dataflow analysis, symbolic execution and advanced theorem provers, allowing it to find complex software defects that can lead to safety or security vulnerabilities. CodeSonar® is used by project teams that build software that is safety and security critical for the aerospace and defense, IoT, automotive, medical and industrial industries, and provides users with a single environment to detect both coding guideline violations as well as software defects.
„Coding guidelines are an important first line of defense against software defects,“ says Dr. Paul Anderson, Vice President of Engineering at GrammaTech. „I am very excited to have this opportunity to contribute to the great work that the MISRA committee does. CodeSonar warns customers of violations against the MISRA rules early in the software development lifecycle. On top of that, dataflow analysis and symbolic execution finds additional problems in program logic such as buffer overflows and data taint. Our customers report a higher development efficiency and a lower risk profile thanks to the integration of CodeSonar into their development processes.“
MISRA® support is a standard feature in CodeSonar® and is available out-of-the-box to all licensed customers.
MISRA and MISRA C are registered trademarks owned by HORIBA MIRA Ltd, held on behalf of the MISRA consortium. No endorsement of any product or service by MISRA is implied.
Über GrammaTech:
Software-Entwickler auf der ganzen Welt setzen die Tools von GrammaTech ein, wo Zuverlässigkeit und Sicherheit zu den Grundvoraussetzungen zählen: Luft-/Raumfahrt, Automotive, Medizintechnik und zahlreiche andere Branchen. GrammaTech entstand aus einem Forschungsprojekt an der Cornell Universität. Heute ist GrammaTech sowohl ein führendes Forschungscenter als auch kommerzieller Anbieter von Software-Assurance-Tools und fortschrittlicher Cyber-Security-Lösungen. Mit Tools sowohl für die statische als auch für die dynamische Analyse von Source Code und binären Dateien treibt GrammaTech die Forschung im Bereich herausragender Software-Analyse voran und verfügt über Technologien, mit denen Software-Teams sichere Software programmieren können. Besuchen Sie uns auf oder folgen Sie uns bei LinkedIn ( für weitere Informationen.
GrammaTech, Inc.
Rodney Fleming
Esty Street 531
14850 Ithaca, NY
Phone: +1-607-273-7340
sayIT Public Relations
Jan Schulze
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85435 Erding
Phone: 08122-954 77 13
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