KVM brings more power to the AV market

G&D is known for providing the broadest KVM product portfolio on the market.

KVM brings more power to the AV market

DP-Vision-IP for unlimited access over IP via G&D’s KVM-over-IP™

Whenever complex AV applications cannot be implemented using standard products, smart solutions need to step in to make the most of an IT installation. With a series of next-generation KVM products, G&D will present a variety of such smart solutions at ISE 2017 and thus will prove their position as KVM supplier with the broadest portfolio.

The hunt for superlatives challenges project planners to satisfy the demands for more complex applications and defined parameters. On top of that, they need to be able to be integrated into already existing structures. Sophisticated KVM installations can be implemented with the help of G&D’s powerful portfolio. At ISE 2017, the KVM manufacturer will present new systems transmitting KVM-over-IP™ as well as installations supporting classic, dedicated cabling. Since the systems are compatible with each other, there are solutions fitting any applications: either with uncompressed or compressed video transmission for resolutions up to 8K, without any latency for top video quality and perfect hand-eye-coordination, via CAT, fibre optics or over IP.

Uncompressed transmission up to 8K over distances up to 10,000 m

The new KVM extender DP1.2-Vision-XG extends computer signals up to 10,000m thereby transmitting 4K or even 8K video at 60 Hz pixel by pixel. The latter is carried out over up to four synchronous video cannels. Dedicated transmission takes place over fibre optics to provide sufficient bandwidth for uncompressed DisplayPort signals, video, keyboard/mouse, RS232, USB 2.0 and audio.

Loss-free video transmission thanks to further improved compression mode

Compared to uncompressed transmission via fibre optics, classic transmission via CAT cables offers significant advantages when it comes to costs. An aspect that can be considered for each individual project with regards to the budget. However, CAT cables allow less bandwidth and requires compression. Thus, the question whether fibre optics or CAT cables are the better medium to transmit signals can only be answered individually. The KVM extender DP-Vision1.2 is ready for both requirements and extends computer signals either via fibre optics up to 10,000 m or via CAT cables up to 140 m.

G&D solve any requirements caused by lower bandwidths with their improved, in-house HDIP compression method, which is now in its latest development stage, Level 3. This method allows the loss-free transmission of video signals with a resolution of 4K at 60Hz. When it comes to large matrix installations, computer signals are better to process and switch when compressed. All G&D products as well as their variants are compatible and can be combined with each other. Therefore, the KVM extender system DP1.2-Vision can be easily implemented into G&D matrix systems.

As for matrix modules, the new ControlCenter-Compact has now replaced G&D’s DVICenter. With the help of matrix switches users are able to operate multiple computers from different, simultaneous workstations. The ControlCenter-Compact is available in six expansion levels providing between 8 and 80 dynamic ports, which can be used either as input or as output. The device is compatible with both the DVICenter and the ControlCenter-Digital as well as all end devices, which makes it possible to add new systems to existing infrastructures. Customers are able to choose between the use of CAT cables or fibre optics when transmitting data. A mixed variant supporting CAT and fibre complements the portfolio.

In addition, the matrix switch provides mission-critical features such as the Screen-Freeze function or a redundant power supply to maximize the system’s reliability.

User-friendly functionalities

Audio-visual applications are always required to be easy to operate and user-friendly. Therefore, G&D offer many functions to be able to operate the system as easy and as comfortable as possible. To fulfil these requirements, the company provides the intuitive CrossDisplay-Switching function to use the mouse to switch between computers or the Push-Get function for the optimal control of video walls and the improvement of the team work in control rooms.

To take usability to a new level, G&D have improved the CrossDisplay-Switching function and perfected it so that multiple monitors can now be used from various sources. Not only are computers with multihead video supported, but any scenarios from various sources can be displayed at one workstation. The monitors can be placed in any order, which does not necessarily have to be a row or a quadrant.

Integrated SNMP and monitoring make the systems even more reliable. In large, distributed installations, users are able to connect their systems via a KVM Matrix-Grid™ to satisfy the increasing demands for interconnection. As is always the case for G&D systems, users benefit from easy installation and operation.

Unlimited access over IP structures

With the DP-Vision-IP system, G&D will present a highly flexible KVM extender, which allows unlimited access to computers over IP structures. The system supports DisplayPort video resolutions up to 2560 x 1600 @ 60 Hz or 3840 x 2160 @ 30 Hz. G&D’s self-developed KVM-over-IP™ lifts the limitations of dedicated cabling. Existing powerful IP structures can be used and spatial limitations to bridge distances belong to the past.

With these powerful expansions to their portfolio G&D cater to the AV industry’s growing complexity and provide a large selection of sophisticated solutions. Thanks to versatile KVM products that can be combined, the best possible solution considering the application, existing IT structures and the requirements of projects is always right on hand.

More information:
Guntermann & Drunck GmbH
Obere Leimbach 9
D-57074 Siegen
Tel.: +49 (0) 271 / 2 38 72 – 100
Fax: +49 (0) 271 / 2 38 72 – 120
E-Mail: sales@gdsys.de

Die Guntermann & Drunck GmbH ist ein führender deutscher Hersteller digitaler und analoger High-End-KVM-Produkte für Kontrollräume aus der Flugsicherung, dem Broadcast, der Industrieprozesskontrolle sowie für maritime Anwendungen. Mit einem breiten Spektrum an KVM-Extendern, -Switches und -Matrixswitches bietet G&D seinen Anwendern das wohl größte verfügbare KVM-Produktportfolio auf dem Markt, das miteinander kompatibel und untereinander kombinierbar ist.

KVM-Produkte von G&D optimieren den IT-Einsatz und verbessern die Arbeitsbedingungen für Mensch und Maschine. Sie sind die stillen Unterstützer im Hintergrund, leistungsstark und jederzeit einsatzbereit. Durch kurze Kommunikationswege und die Bündelung aller Kernkompetenzen wie Entwicklung, Produktmanagment, Vertrieb, Marketing und Produktion unter einem Dach, begleitet G&D seine Kunden von der technischen Erstberatung, über die anwendungsspezifische Unterstützung vor Ort bis hin zum After-Sales-Support aus einer Hand.

Unabhängig davon, wie unterschiedlich die Rahmenbedingungen einzelner KVM-Installationen sind, eines haben sie gemeinsam: den Bedarf an robusten, zuverlässigen, benutzerfreundlichen und intuitiv zu bedienenden KVM-Produkten zu sichern. Und das mit der G&D-typischen Qualität, die zu Recht das Siegel „Made in Germany“ trägt.

G&D – if it’s KVM.

Weitere Informationen:
Guntermann & Drunck GmbH
Dortmunder Straße 4a
D-57234 Wilnsdorf

Tel.: +49 (0) 27 39 / 89 01 – 100
Fax: +49 (0) 27 39 / 89 01 – 120
E-Mail: sales@gdsys.de

Guntermann & Drunck GmbH
Jochen Bauer
Obere Leimbach 9
57074 Wilnsdorf