VAG strongly supports the „Tag der Unternehmen“ (Company Day)

VAG strongly supports the "Tag der Unternehmen" (Company Day)

23 Managing Directors have signed the „Mannheimer Erklärung“

VAG strongly supports the „Tag der Unternehmen“ (Company Day)

Even if it is regularly maintained that people don’t learn from history – they do. And this is also thanks to initiatives such as the Mannheim Statement, which aims at always being a reminder that we need to co-exist successfully in a society characterised by diversity. On 11 November 2016, a valuable addition was made to the Mannheim Statement: „Company Day“. Company Day was initiated in cooperation with Mannheim City Administration, ABB AG hosted the founding event and VAG-Armaturen GmbH joined the other internationally operating companies committed to the Mannheim Statement.

„We look forward to playing our part in shaping the association for living together in diversity,“ says Peter Oppinger, Head of Global Marketing with the VAG Group. However, „If we manage to incorporate consistent values for all and develop ideas to unite instead of divide, we will be making the Mannheim Statement a sustained living declaration, also on the part of companies operating internationally here in our city.

Peter Oppinger continues to explain that the company feels it is responsible for commitment to fighting discrimination and to promoting different perspectives: „If, as a company, you have your markets and partners all over the world, taking a look outside the box will teach you about tolerance and acceptance.“ This is another reason why Peter Oppinger feels that it goes without saying that the valve builder, as part of „Company Day“ and thus also in the context of the Mannheim Statement, is greatly committed to recognising equality between different identities and life plans, for commitment to eliminating discrimination and for equal opportunities, tolerance and joint action.

VAG is a valve manufacturer offering solutions for water-related challenges. For the last 140 years, VAG has been offering high quality products and their maintenance in the water and wastewater sector. Constant innovation and improvement of products ensure up-to-date valves and accessories, suitable for all purposes.

VAG-Armaturen GmbH
Corinna Rist
Carl-Reuther-Str. 1
68305 Mannheim