TireMoni TPVMS new aut the Automechanika in Frankfurt Main
On Automechanika in Frankfurt from 13-17.9.2016 TireMoni will present for the first time the TPVMS that can monitor tire pressure and temperature in addition to the vibration.
Traditional tire pressure control systems or TPMS check „only“ pressure and temperature in the tire and are able to warn the driver at an early stage, when leakage occurs. Even that alone increases safety and helps to prevent serious injury. TPVMS will do significantly more with its patented sensor technology.
TireMoni TPVM system not only measures the tire pressure and temperature, but also the vibration. Thus, the system is able to warn the driver if abnormalities on tires occur because they lead to increased vibrations and are detected by the sensor. These includes: brake disks, bulges in the profile or the tire wall that will cause large unbalance.
Preliminary damages of a tire and / or insufficient depth of profil cause most tire related accidents. A large part of these causes can be recognized at an early stage with the evaluation of vibration measurements.
TPVMS TireMoni is able to provide a greater contribution to driving safety.
The system will come on the market with both internal as well as external sensors. In both types of sensors, the batteries are replaceable. If the sensor battery is empty, so the complete sensor must not be replaced, but simply a new battery can be used.
TireMoni, die Marke der tpm-systems AG hat sich auf leicht nachrüstbare Reifendruckkontrollsysteme spezialisiert. Die Gründer der Firma haben die Entwicklung der Monitoring Technologie für KFZ Reifen von Beginn an begleitet. Mit dem TireMoni TM 100 errang die tpm-systems AG bereits Ende 2007 den ersten Platz im ADAC und ÖAMTC Vergleichstest direkt messender Reifendruckkontrollsysteme. 2014 folgte dann der erste Platz beim TCS und 2015 der Technik Award des DCC Die Marke TireMoni bietet europaweit innovative elektronische Reifendruckkontrollsysteme für Motorräder, Trikes. Quads, KFZ, Caravans, und LKW. Weitere Informationen unter http://www.TireMoni.com der internetshop ist: https://shop.TireMoni.com
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