Even More Precise, Even More Efficient
Swiss Posalux (https://www.posalux.ch/) has an outstanding reputation among production machines that stand for the highest precision in PCB production on the market. An unprecedented machine was put on the market in 2012 with the ULTRASPEED MONO: it offers drilling and milling in one station, on a small „footprint“, and at great precision. This machine has already been a first sign of the expanded alignment of the system supplier, intended for companies working in small to medium series and prototype production. Now, three years later, the company is marketing a further-developed, newly designed and optically revised version of the ULTRASPEED MONO, expanding the new model series with the ULTRASPEED TRIO for even more efficient and precise work at 3 stations in one machine. It will be ready in time for the trade fair. The ULTRASPEED DUO is to follow in 2016. Posalux is presenting its novelties in the new „look“ at its own stand at the productronica 2015 in Munich for the first time from 10 to 13 November.
With the ULTRASPEED MONO, the Swiss company had developed a machine optimized for small series and prototype development in 2012. In the years before that, its developers mostly focused on machines for large-series production. Their efforts were now increasingly also aligned with the European and American markets, with the many operations for the production of small series, prototypes to medium-sized series, and the further development of the MONO. A high own standard was clearly formed in this. Now, Posalux found that it was time to take its own standard and range another step.
Posalux produces precise and fast drilling and milling machines. Decades of experience with the Swiss clockmaking industry and the manufacturer of highly precise micro-mechanics have supported and characterized the development. In addition to the speed of the work processes, they always worked to improve precision and adjust to the continually changing market requirements. Some time ago, the systems already managed an acceptably high frequency at 900 strokes/minute. The newer drilling units increased the frequency by approximately 33% to 1,200 strokes/minute. The tolerance in precision was reduced down to + 15 m in the last few years.
Duplication of the working head numbers is one of the great novelties in the new series. This „combined“ equipment gives every station two different highly precise spindles. The division of the spindle types among the drilling heads can be chosen freely – twice drilling (micro-drilling of
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