The TRIZ Future conference 2015 is the innovation congress of the year accompanied by inspiring innovation events

Innovation is vital in your business. We would like to invite you to the international innovation congress TRIZ Future Conference 2015 in Berlin, October 26-29 (

The TRIZ Future conference 2015 is the innovation congress of the year accompanied by inspiring innovation events

The TRIZ Future conference 2015 is the innovation congress of the year (

The joint organizers European TRIZ Association (ETRIA, and Tom Spike (Consultancy for Structured Innovation, are glad to present an attractive and diverse four day program to you ( Inspiring tutorials, networking events, presentations and workshops will provide you scientific up-to-date information as well as best practices on the implementation of structured innovation.

Berlin is now, following numerous European capitals, the place to illuminate the subject of „Creating Customer Value“. Priceless insights in the areas of „business value“, „society“ and „industrial cases“ will be offered to individuals and enterprises interested and contributing to the progress of our society in economy and productivity.

Experienced innovators, product developers and various researchers from around the world are coming together on this occasion to exchange ideas on structured innovation. By providing insights on successful innovation methods, successes and the thoughts of experienced experts and visionary researchers, embedded in an inspiring and refreshingly new event, participants can expect a conference of innovation in all aspects. This conference needs you to extend the network of people who make a difference for the future of all of us.

Get your tickets now:

Investigate the detailed Conference Agenda:

Please don’t hesitate to contact for informations, tickets and sponsoring:

Dipl.-Ing. Nina Defounga
Tom Spike – Structured innovation
Pappelallee 78/79
10437 Berlin
+49 – (0)30 – 60 98 49 02 87


About the TRIZ Future Conference 2015 organizer Tom Spike:

Tom Spike ( is a young consulting firm focusing on innovation and innovative problem solving. Tom Spike demonstrates, supports and creates structured innovation. The experienced consulting team assists SMEs and corporations to innovate better, faster and more cost efficiently and to strengthen their innovative capacity. These engineers from Berlin also solve complex problems. The bigger the challenge, the more effective it is.

Using the consulting and solution-oriented approach of structured innovation leads to faster and more cost-effective innovation of products and business models than use of a conventional, unstructured approach to innovation, typically based on a multitude of ideas.

As a workshop and seminar provider for medium and large companies as well as start-ups, Tom Spike communicates repeatable methods that are easy to learn for a successful innovation process and recurring success. As consultants for innovation and product development, Tom Spike supports businesses faced with a challenge or a specific development problem, to create innovative solutions in the shortest possible timeframe. From brainstorming to patentable product within a week. Because concentrated efforts within a limited period of time are true miracles of efficiency. They enable incredible speeds and conserve scarce resources such as time, money and personnel.

Über den TRIZ Future Conference 2015 Veranstalter Tom Spike:

Tom Spike ( ist ein junges Beratungsunternehmen für Innovationen und erfinderisches Problemlösen. Tom Spike trainiert, unterstützt und schafft strukturierte Innovation. Das erfahrene Beraterteam hilft Mittelstand und Konzernen dabei, besser, schneller und kosteneffizienter zu erfinden und ihre Innovationskraft zu stärken. Die Ingenieure aus Berlin lösen auch komplexe Probleme. Je größer die Herausforderung, desto effektiver.

Durch den Beratungs- und Lösungsansatz der strukturierten Innovation werden schnellere und kostengünstigere Innovationen von Produkten und Geschäftsmodellen erreicht, als es mit konventionellen, unstrukturierten, auf möglichst viele Ideen fokussierten Herangehensweisen möglich ist.

Als Workshop- und Trainings-Anbieter für mittlere und große Unternehmen sowie Start-ups vermittelt Tom Spike erlernbare und wiederholbare Methoden für Innovationsprozesse und wiederkehrenden Erfolg. Als Unternehmensberatung für Innovations- und Produktentwicklung hilft Tom Spike Unternehmen, die vor einer Herausforderung und/oder einem konkreten Entwicklungsproblem stehen, innovative Lösungen in kürzester Zeit zu entwickeln. Von der Ideenfindung zum patentreifen Produkt binnen einer Woche. Denn konzentrierte Anstrengungen in einem beschränkten Zeitrahmen sind wahre Effizienzwunder. Sie ermöglichen unglaubliche Geschwindigkeiten und schonen knappe Ressourcen wie Geld, Zeit und Personal.

TRIZ Future Conference 2015 – Kontakt für Sponsoring, Teilnahme und weitere Infos:

Dipl.-Ing. Nina Defounga
Tom Spike – Structured innovation
Pappelallee 78/79
10437 Berlin
+49 – (0)30 – 60 98 49 02 87
n.defounga (at)


Tom Spike – Structured innovation
Nina Defounga
Pappelallee 78/79
10437 Berlin
+49 – (0)30 – 60 98 49 02 87


Görs Communications
Daniel Görs
Königstraße 1
22767 Hamburg
+49 40 88238519

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