Micro-Surfacing – HighTech Road Maintenance technology at low price

Micro-Surfacing – HighTech Road Maintenance technology at low price

Micro-Surfacing Machine type Schäfer SMS 12.000
operating at Messrs. Possehl Spezialbau GmbH.

Micro-Surfacing – Cold applied thin asphalt layers as preventative road maintenance

Nowadays precautionary assessments are taken for granted for every responsible citizen. So forward-looking road maintenance should only serve one goal: to prevent larger, non-foreseeable consequences, such as increased costs and increased risks resulting in reduced road safety!

German cities and municipalities have increased the use of modern and environmentally friendly road maintenance technologies which offer lower costs especially Micro-Surfacing.
The Micro-Surfacing mix of cold polymer bitumen emulsions, aggregate, cement, water and dope is produced directly on the paving machine and immediately applied to the road surface. The cold application process has very low power consumption and this results in very low CO2 emissions.

The on-site application of Micro-Surfacing is carried out by specially designed electronically controlled laying machines. Depending on the condition of the existing substrate the aggregate size of the mixture is determined as well as the possible requirement for a second layer. The latter is usually needed when re-profiling is advised.

The installed thickness of Micro-Surfacing averages about one cm. This eliminates extra work such as milling-off the old surface layer, regulating or raising manholes, etc.
So Micro-Surfacing not only conserves resources but also minimizes costs of disposal.

Micro-Surfacing application causes only very minor impairment for both – the flow of traffic as well as for residents because the newly laid surface can be reopened to traffic within about 30 minutes!

For the above reasons Micro-Surfacing is considered to be the most efficient and cost-effective method of road maintenance.

Standard Micro-Surfacing Process

1. First visual inspection of the road section to be maintained and repaired to ensure that it is suitable for treatment by Micro-Surfacing and that no preparatory works are needed for possible major road damages if needed.
2. Properly cleaning of the road surface by means of a road sweeper and / or of a high-pressure water cleaner, pmax 150 bar.
3. Marking and taping of all street furniture such as manhole covers or gullies.
4. Installation of the first Micro-Surfacing layer:
For re-profiling the road surface a max. aggregate size of 8 mm is applied. If there are signs of a lack of bitumen content in the existing road surface an additional tack-coating of bitumen emulsion is strongly recommended, as this will act as a bonding agent. A machine with an integrated spraybar enables spraying and the application of the first layer of Micro-Surfacing in one pass.
5. Installation of the second Micro-Surfacing layer:
About 45 minutes after applying the re-profiling layer, the second layer can be laid. Its max. size of aggregate is 5 mm. A correct application needs to be made of this homogeneous Micro-Surfacing mix. A good surface finish will be obtained with the aid of a variable width distributor box with augers.
complete press release and 6 photos: www.pr-download.com/rw2.zip

Die jahrzehntelange Erfahrung von schäfer-technic ermöglicht die Konstruktion und Herstellung praxisgerechter Maschinen nach dem neuesten Stand der Technik für den Straßenbau, die Straßenunterhaltung und die Straßensanierung. Die entwickelten Verfahrenstechniken ermöglichen es, effektiv alle erforderlichen Baumaßnahmen umzusetzen.

schäfer-technic ist Spezialist für mobile und flexible Maschinen mit großem Leistungsvermögen. Umweltschutzaspekte und Einsparung von Ressourcen sind für uns wichtige Gesichtspunkte bei der Konzeption und der Entstehung von Maschinen und Verfahrenstechniken.

schäfer-technic gmbh
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Friedrich-List-Str. 41 – 45
70736 Fellbach
+49 +711 957930 10

Michael Endulat
Goldberger Str. 12
27580 Bremerhaven
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