German company helps in the battle against lack of women in China

German company helps in the battle against lack of women in China

Homepage Yue-Lao

The new Hanseatic company, named Yue-Lao (, focuses on matchmaking between Chinese men, who have increasingly large difficulties in finding a suitable partner, and especially Eastern European women, who over the past years searched for their luck in the traditional western countries.


HAMBURG, 14th APRIL 2014

German company helps in the battle against lack of women in China

A few months ago an entrepreneur from Hamburg has established a unique company that should play a role in the fight against the lack of women in China. The new company, named Yue-Lao ( ), focuses on matchmaking between Chinese men, who have increasingly large difficulties in finding a suitable partner, and especially Eastern European women, who over the past years searched for their luck in the traditional western countries.

Founder and owner of Yue-Lao Ludmilla Balvers-Patlacenko (51) has her roots in the Ukraine and has lived and worked in Germany since 1998. Through the work of her parents, she has lived in several countries of the former Soviet Union and knows this culture like no other. For historical and demographical reasons there is in Eastern Europe a shortage of men, and during a trip to Asia a few years ago she noticed the lack of marriageable young women, and she gradually developed a business plan.

Ludmilla: „Because of the one-child policy in China in the last decades, there is currently a shortage of 30 to 50 million women in the age-group of 20 to 40 years. The Chinese government has already recognized this problem and sees it as a threat for the future development of the country. Also, due to the strong migration from rural areas to the cities, a demographic structure is created everywhere with too few women and on the long term there is no future.“

Yue-Lao has recently developed a website ( ), which will play a key role in the process of coupling the Chinese men with their new partners from Eastern Europe (and vice versa). The site is completely multilingual, and each target group is addressed in its own Chinese or Russian language. This sets Yue-Lao apart from many other dating sites.

„There are thousands of dating websites. But most of these websites offer only flirting contacts and no reputable dating service. There are also many sites to bring Asian women and Western men together, but that is an entirely different segment where sometimes moral values are at stake. Yue-Lao is the first multilingual multicultural organization that focuses exclusively on partnership services for these target groups. We bring men and women not only in touch, but actively support this process, for example by translating messages that are exchanged, through local events, visa services, and if desired, we can even organize a multicultural dream wedding. We do not live from advertising revenues on our website, our core business is reputable partnership service.“

Are the cultural differences between China and Eastern and Western Europe not too big? „Of course there are differences between cultures, which even date back thousands of years. But China has made a big step towards the West in recent years and in many ways has become a much more modern society than we realize. Moreover, Chinese men are excellent husbands, where many traditional values such as loyalty and reliability have a high priority. These are aspects that certainly appeal to all women because often they cannot find that in their own country.“

The first candidates have already registered. It is a fantastic challenge for a company in Hamburg to build a bridge between Eastern Europe and the Far China!

For more information, please contact our office via telephone (+49 40 2190 7187) oder email ( We will be glad to help you!
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Multicultural Multilingual International Partnership Services

Yue-Lao e.K.
Ludmilla Balvers-Patlacenko
Rungwisch 7-B
22523 Hamburg
040 21907187