DIN Rail Ex Safety Limiter with SIL2

  DIN Rail Ex Safety Limiter with SIL2

Erich Ott EX HS STB Limiter

Erich Ott´s new safety limiter EX HS STB for DIN rail mounting in measuring stations and control rooms offers safe temperature limitation according to EG 94/9 for Ex zones I and II.

The compact unit ensures the safe temperature monitoring and limitation of electrically heated conduits, containers, tanks and apparatus in zone 1, and it is SIL 2 certified according to EN 61508:2001 (functional safety).

„We are proud to offer our customers this new product with real SIL 2 certification. In the market you also find devices of the same kind with proprietary SIL labeling. Yet, to ensure safe operation, it is absolutely necessary that limiters offer the proper safety level. Erich Ott has been in the industry for more than 40 years, and our customers can be sure to receive both high-quality products and honest advice for their deployments in hazardous locations“, says Carsten Ott, General Manager at Erich Ott.

All functions can directly be read off the limiter´s user-friendly illuminated triple-spaced display that shows an entire summary of the operational state. The limiter can completely be configured on-site, and both its simple parametrization and easy DIN rail mounting speed up deployment. Moreover, the limiter has a remote stop function.

The control unit has a single channel design and measures the temperature with a PT-100 sensor with three-wire connection. Depending on the temperature at the sensor and the nominal value the relay switches redundantly at the limiter´s output.

The limiter is EMC compliant according to EN 61326-1 and EN 61326-3-1.


Designation: II (2) GD
Level functional safety: SIL 2
EC-type examination certificate: TÜV13ATEX124201
1 Pt -100 input: Three-wire (Ex E)
Operating temperature: 0°C – 40°C
Nominal current: 20 mA
Line voltage: 230 V
Limiter relay: 10 A
Fault signal relay: 3 A
Adjustment range limiter: 0°C – 500°C
Temperature range: -50°C -+ 500°C
Protection level: IP20
Type: DIN rail TS 35, 4 TE
Bildquelle:kein externes Copyright

Die Erich Ott e.K. mit Sitz in Wiesbaden ist seit über 40 Jahren spezialisiert auf die Entwicklung, Produktion und den Vertrieb professioneller Mess- und Regeltechnik für den EX-Bereich. Zu den Kunden zählen Unternehmen aus der Ölindustrie und der Petrochemie weltweit. Die Stärken des Unternehmens sind die umfangreiche Erfahrung in der Entwicklung kundenspezifischer Lösungen sowie die Beratung zu den besonderen Anforderungen an Geräte, die in den EX-Zonen I und II eingesetzt werden. Sämtliche Produkte werden in Deutschland entwickelt und hergestellt.

Erich Ott e.K.
Carsten Ott
Hasengartenstraße 44
65189 Wiesbaden

2beecomm public relations & kommunikation
Sonja Schleif
Cassellastraße 30-32
60386 Frankfurt