Research cooperation with university in Honolulu – micro electricity networks planned
Dahlem-Schmidtheim/Düsseldorf. -Entrade Energiesysteme AG is to build the first biomass power station in the US state of Hawaii, with the project planning and implementation being carried out by its subsidiary Agnion Energy GmbH. With a probable power output of 45 kW the plant is to be set up on the island of Oahu near the capital Honolulu and will exploit existing biomass resources. Wood chips will be used as fuel for the generation of electricity and cooling.
Because the island state does not have its own oil or gas reserves and more than 75% of its energy requirements have to be imported, at around 40 cents per kW electricity costs in Hawaii are among the highest in the world. Because of the island’s remote location in the middle of the Pacific this is due not least to high transport costs. At the same time existing biomass resources have so far not been exploited to the full.
Governor aims at energy self-sufficiency for the island group
In September Entrade took part in the „Asia Pacific Clean Energy Summit 2013“ and had the opportunity to exchange ideas with international scientists and conclude the research cooperation agreement with the university. The cooperation has the support of Neil Abercrombie, the Governor of Hawaii, for whom energy self-sufficiency for the island group is a matter of priority.
„The energetic exploitation of biomass at decentral installations in Hawaii offers tremendous potential of up to 5 MW of electricity per year“, states Entrade CEO Julien Uhlig. „In addition to supplying hotels there are also plans to establish micro power networks. Regional partners will be integrated, whose role will be both technical implementation locally and cooperation in further research into this innovative technology.“
As a financial partner Entrade Energiesysteme AG invests in responsible and sustainable energy supply concepts. Agnion Energy GmbH is a leading supplier of installations for the generation of electricity and heating from solid biomass. The company has its head office in Düsseldorf and branches in Zittau, Pfaffenhofen and Graz.
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Die Entrade-Gruppe hat sich auf die Entwicklung und den Betrieb von Anlagen zur Erzeugung von Strom und Wärme auf Basis von Biomasse und selektierten Roh- und Abfallstoffen spezialisiert. Als Finanzierungspartner des renommierten AUTARK Instituts für Energieforschung, das auch im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Technologie tätig ist, werden innovative Energiekonzepte zur Marktreife gebracht. Darüber hinaus werden auf internationaler Ebene modulare Kleinkraftwerke auf Basis eines breit gefächerten Reststoff-Sortiments betrieben.
Eingebettet in ein in Deutschland in dieser Form einzigartiges Forschungs- und Wissenschaftsnetzwerk unter Leitung des AUTARK Instituts für Energieforschung an der Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz investiert Entrade in ethisch verantwortungsvolle und nachhaltig ausgerichtete Energieversorgungskonzepte. Das Unternehmen versteht sich dabei als Mittler zwischen innovationsfreudigen Startups und langfristig orientierten Investoren.
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Entrade Energiesysteme AG
Hendrik van Ritter
Zimmerstr. 15a
40215 Düsseldorf
02447 2181000