The event alliance consisting of f-cell, BATTERY+STORAGE and the e-mobil BW TECHNOLOGIETAG will present a range of closely interwoven conference and trade fair topics under the joint motto „WORLD OF ENERGY SOLUTIONS“. The complete conference programme is now available for download at
The programme for the three-day conference and exhibition event to be held in Stuttgart from 30 September to 2 October 2013 features a total of 140 presentations on a wide range of issues relating to the development, production, application and marketing of fuel cell and lithium-ion battery systems in various areas of application, examples of best-practices in the field of electromobility and approaches to the development of the necessary infrastructure. The organizers – e-mobil BW GmbH, Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH, Peter Sauber Agentur Messen & Kongresse GmbH and Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH (WRS) – expect to welcome well over 3,000 visiting experts from all over the world to the combined event.
Conference participants are free to put together their own programmes from the numerous concurrent topical forums in keeping with their personal interests, focusing on stationary or mobile applications, the production of batteries, fuel cells or their components, infrastructure issues or new advances in technology.
Strong national and international participation
Participants can look forward to interesting industry reports from Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Africa and the United States. Numerous leading companies have already confirmed their intention to participate. Representatives from BMW, Daimler, Nissan, Toyota and Volkswagen will be reporting on current developments in battery- and fuel cell powered electrical vehicles, for example. Matters relating to the refuelling infrastructure will also be discussed.
Interest groups and innovation clusters such as NOW, the National Organisation Hydrogen andFuel Cell Technology, DWV, the German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association, the U.S. FCHEA Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association and the California Fuel Cell Partnership as well as the HySUT Association of Japan plan to present lighthouse projects. Representatives from research institutes in Germany, Europe and overseas will be discussing new scientific advances in the field of battery and fuel cell production, hydrogen production via electrolysis and storage methods for the gaseous energy carrier. Speakers from Siemens, Manz, ABB, Ballard Power, Hydrogenics, Linde and other firms will address challenges encountered and successes achieved in the development of complete systems and infrastructure projects.
The e-mobil BW TECHNOLOGIETAG scheduled for the third day of the event on 2 October 2013 will feature presentations on practical experience and initial results of activities within the top cluster Elektromobilität Süd-West and the Schaufenster Elektromobilität „LivingLab BWe mobil“. Other special forums devoted to electromobility in France and China and to such topics as after-sales and safety, perspectives for the electrical trades and electrical utility vehicles are planned as well.
New: Solar Energy Solutions
A new addition to the conference portfolio is the Solar Energy Solutions conference scheduled for the afternoon of 30 September 2013. (This conference part will take place in German only.) The event presented by Solar Cluster BW e.V. will show how photovoltaic systems can contribute to the energy turnaround and feature solar energy solutions within the context of storage technologies, energy management systems and solutions for smart grids.
Further information in the Internet:
Bildrechte: Peter Sauber Agentur
BATTERY+STORAGE, f-cell und e-mobil BW TECHNOLOGIETAG präsentieren sich 2013 zum zweiten Mal unter einem Dach – und erstmals unter dem gemeinsamen Motto WORLD OF ENERGY SOLUTIONS. Der Claim WORLD OF ENERGY SOLUTIONS reflektiert das umfassende Angebotsportfolio, das im Rahmen der Messe und Konferenz geboten wird. Die Plattform soll in Zukunft verstärkt als zentraler Marktplatz, Industriemotor und Think Tank für die Weiterentwicklung von Batterie- und Energiespeicher-Technologien, Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellen-Anwendungen sowie Innovationen aus dem Bereich der E-Mobilität etabliert werden. Ergänzt wird die Veranstaltung im Jahr 2013 durch den Konferenzteil Solar Energy Solutions.
Peter Sauber Agentur Messen und Kongresse GmbH
Lena Jauernig
Wankelstraße 1
70563 Stuttgart
eoscript Public Relations
Eike Ostendorf-Servisoglou
Löwen-Markt 8
70499 Stuttgart