In the autumn of 2012, the trade fair and conference alliance comprising f-cell, BATTERY+STORAGE and the e-mobil BW TECHNOLOGY DAY attracted well over 3,000 international guests. The focus in 2013 will be on growth and continued international expansion. The combined events devoted to all aspects of fuel-cell, hydrogen, battery and energy-storage technologies as well as electromobility will be presented under a common banner: the WORLD OF ENERGY SOLUTIONS. From 30 September to 2 October 2013, the event in Stuttgart, Germany, will once again offer industry experts an ideal platform from which to expand their expertise, assess energy solutions within a holistic context and develop effective networks.
Stuttgart (eos) – The use of different energy sources and different conversion and storage technologies in combination to develop an effective energy supply system is one of the greatest challenges facing the business, scientific and political communities today. Intensive dialogue devoted to the exchange of information and practical insights among experts from various disciplines as well as increased cooperation among business enterprises and research institutes are essential prerequisites for meeting this challenge. The alliance of the established f-cell industry forum, BATTERY+STORAGE and the e-mobil BW TECHNOLOGY DAY created in 2012 is a trade fair and conference event devoted to fulfilling that need. „The concept was a total success: 142 exhibitors and 127 presentations attracted a total of 3,233 expert visitors from all over the world,“ according to the organizers, the Peter Sauber Agentur Messen und Kongresse GmbH, the Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH, the Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH and the Landesagentur für Elektromobilität und Brennstoffzellentechnologie Baden-Württemberg e-mobil BW GmbH.
Plans call for expansion of the trade fair and increased international reach
The demand for innovative and sustainable energy supply solutions for the energy sector and the automotive and building engineering industries is steadily rising. Fuel cells, batteries and energy-storage technologies play a key role in that context. Consequently, the organizers of the WORLD OF ENERGY SOLUTIONS are now planning to widen the scope of the trade fair and conference from 30 September to 2 October 2013 as compared to last year“s event. They are advertising world-wide – with stands at the FC EXPO/Battery show in Japan, for example – in hopes of attracting even more international exhibitors and visitors to the event in 2013.
The common motto and a fully integrated conference programme offer clear evidence of how closely hydrogen, fuel-cells, battery technologies and electromobility are bound together. Experts have known for some time, for example, that the supposedly irreconcilable opposition between batteries and fuel cells is not always supported by the facts, and that both technologies will have to be taken into account in future stationary and mobile energy supply systems.
Therefore, the conference programme for WORLD OF ENERGY SOLUTIONS links these subject areas through various interdisciplinary forums. The programme structure has now been drafted and can be reviewed at Visitors will be interested to know that, in a departure from the programmes presented in previous years, forums on materials and components for both batteries and fuel cells will also be on the agenda for the third day of the event in addition to the presentations at the e-mobil BW TECHNOLOGY DAY.
Further information in the Internet:
WORLD OF ENERGY SOLUTIONS ist ein Zusammenschluss aus drei thematisch verwandten Einzelveranstaltungen, die ein gemeinsames Podium für Zukunftstechnologien bilden. WORLD OF ENERGY SOLUTIONS ist Messe, Konferenz und Networking-Event, Marktplatz, Industriemotor und Think Tank.
f-cell stellt die aktuellen Entwicklungen in den stationären und mobilen Anwendungsgebieten der Brennstoffzelle dar, zeigt spezielle Märkte und neue Anwendungsfelder auf und betrachtet das Potential von Wasserstoff als Energiespeichermedium. Seit zwölf Jahren ist die f-cell als jährlicher Branchentreffpunkt fest im Veranstaltungskalender von Spitzenforschern, Topmanagern und Entscheidungsträgern aus Politik und Wirtschaft verankert.
BATTERY+STORAGE, internationale Fachmesse und Konferenz, richtet sich an alle Akteure rund um die Herstellung von Batterie- und Energiespeichersystemen für den mobilen und stationären Einsatz. Sie bildet die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette von den Rohstoffen bis zum fertigen Batteriesystem ab. Zielgruppen sind internationale Fachbesucher aus der Speicherfertigungsindustrie, Dienstleister und Forscher sowie Vertreter der wichtigsten Anwenderbranchen wie Elektromobilität, Energieversorgung und Elektroindustrie.
Der e-mobil BW TECHNOLOGIETAG ist wichtiger Branchen-Treffpunkt und Diskussionsforum für Experten und Entscheider aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft. Unter dem Motto „Future Mobility Solutions“ bietet er aktuelle Informationen, zeigt Trends rund um die (Elektro-)Mobilitätslösungen der Zukunft und stellt die technologischen Entwicklungen im Kontext der wirtschaftspolitischen Schwerpunkte auf internationaler, Bundes- und Landesebene vor.
Peter Sauber Agentur Messen und Kongresse GmbH
Lena Jauernig
Wankelstraße 1
70563 Stuttgart
eoscript Public Relations
Eike Ostendorf-Servisoglou
Löwen-Markt 8
70499 Stuttgart