10 Things a Smart Home Needs

10 Things a Smart Home Needs

GreenPocket Smart Home

In the near future every modern household will include smart home components – software specialist GreenPocket shows what is already possible today.

Amsterdam, Cologne, October 8, 2012 – The interest for smart home applications is increasing permanently. In a few years smart homes will be part of our everyday life. But what is already possible today? Based on 10 key elements, the German software specialist GreenPocket is presenting its latest smart home solution at this year“s Metering Europe in Amsterdam (9-11 October 2012) setting a benchmark for home automation applications.

As a recent market study by TNS Infratest shows, the interest in smart home applications is globally increasing. In general, consumers expect more efficiency in terms of better cost control and optimized energy behaviour. But despite a large market potential there still is a lack of convincing and easy-to-use smart home products. Based on the user experience from over 50 smart energy projects, GreenPocket has developed its latest smart home solution. „We have worked out 10 key elements a pioneering smart home should include to create real benefits for the consumer“, says Dr. Thomas Goette, CEO at GreenPocket.

Here are the 10 key elements a smart home solution needs to be fit for the future:

1. Integrated meter: A smart home is not smart without a smart meter. The integration of AMI- and HAN-data is the base for a great amount of innovative consumer benefits.
2. Stable core: To transform big amounts of energy and behaviour data into consumer-oriented knowledge, a powerful and highly scalable software core is a necessity for a smart home.
3. High usability: From the consumer“s perspective the complexity of the software core has to be reduced to guarantee a maximum of usability.
4. Mobile: Since smart phones and tablet PCs are permanent companions these days one of the main features of a smart home has to be mobility.
5. Comfort: Another main motivation for a smart home is a high level of comfort in terms of individual time schedules and automated rules.
6. Efficiency: Consumers are looking for systems that run the home as efficiently as possible and help save energy and costs.
7. Security: A smart home should be a 24 hour security guard. With the right hardware it can detect if a door or window is unexpectedly opened or if all electrical devices are turned off when leaving.
8. Optimal patterns: Preconfigured optimal patterns ensure that the smart home always finds the best solution for individual preferences and settings.
9. Modularity: The possibility to extend the smart home by further hardware and software add-ons is another key factor.
10. Plug-and-play: The hard- and software set-up must be very simple and new
components should be easily available in an integrated web shop.

At Metering Europe visitors are very welcome to test the latest version of GreenPocket
Smart Home at booth D50.

About GreenPocket

GreenPocket (www.greenpocket.de) is a leading specialist for smart meter and smart home software that empowers people all over the world to use energy in the most comfortable and responsible way. Based on a flexible, modular and scalable high performance platform GreenPocket“s software applications transform complex energy data into a wide range of consumer-oriented benefits for energy control and home automation. Working with leading European Utilities the company has quickly become an important player in the global smart energy market. Founded in 2009, GreenPocket is a privately held company headquartered in Cologne, Germany.

Torben Pfau
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51063 Cologne
+49 (0) 221355095-87